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Student Services



The guidance and career education program is a vital and integral part of the secondary school program. Students will acquire the knowledge and skills that they need in order to learn effectively, to live and to work cooperatively and productively with a wide range of people, to set and pursue education and career goals, and to carry out their social responsibilities. The program will be delivered through various means, including classroom instruction, orientation and exit programs, career exploration activities, individual assistance and short-term counseling.

Personal Counseling Referrals

The Guidance Counselor helps students connect with the right resources to help themselves, to define their problems, to find the solutions and to live with their decisions. The process involves self-discovery, problem-solving and decision-making.

Educational Planning and Career Awareness

The Guidance Counselor encourages students to undertake objective research and study in the realm of career possibilities. This systematic study is based on the collection of data, the identification of values and the recognition of interests. The counselor invites students to participate in guest presentations about post-secondary programs and careers. Students have access to calendars, bulletins, newsletters from colleges, universities, private schools and the armed forces, job description pamphlets, community and health resource brochures. Students receive help with application processing for post-secondary education, scholarships, financial aid (OSAP) and bursaries.

Academic Difficulties

The Guidance Counselor suggests various alternatives to solving a difficulty when academic success is in jeopardy.

Ontario Student Record (OSR)

An OSR is established for each student in compliance with Ministry of Education policies. All students and the parents or guardians of students under 18 years of age have the right to examine the OSR and to receive a copy of its contents. All such requests for access must be made in writing through the Principal.

Co-operative Education and Work Experience Opportunities

Co-operative education courses consist of an in-school and an out-of-school component. Co-operative education courses are credit courses based on Ministry of Education guidelines. Out-of-school experience is closely related to and complements in-school studies. The students' experiential learning is carefully planned and their activities are closely monitored and evaluated. Senior students interested in taking a co-operative education course must present their request through the guidance counselor or the co-operative education teacher. Selection of co-op credits should be made in light of each student’s academic record, career goals, and aptitudes.

Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP)

OYAP is a program that allows students to learn a skilled trade, while at the same time completing the requirements for the Ontario Secondary School Diploma. This is done through apprenticeship. An apprenticeship is an agreement between a student who wants to learn a skilled trade, an employer/sponsor who provides the training and the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities Apprenticeship Branch. Students are eligible if they are a full-time student, have a minimum of 16 credits, are at least 16 years old and display a high level of interest and aptitude for skills training. Please consult with the Guidance Counselor.

Ontario Student Transcripts

In all Ontario secondary schools as of September 1999, the Ontario Student Transcript contains:

  • A student’s record of courses successfully completed in Grade nine and ten.
  • All attempts at courses in Grade 11 or 12 including courses from which the student withdraws after five instructional days from the mid-semester report.
  • Completion of community hours.
  • Literacy test result

This transcript is the official document a person must present whenever evidence of secondary education standing is required, e.g., for employment purposes or for admission to a post-secondary program.


Continuous Intake Courses

The T.R. Leger credit program accommodates students who are working towards a secondary school graduation diploma but who require a flexible and individualized program. Part-time study through independent study or correspondence self-study courses is available. Please consult with the Guidance Counselor. Students may register for an Independent Learning Course as long as the student is full time, and meets the criteria to be successful.

Upper Canada District School Board On-Line Learning Courses

The On-line learning program is intended to make courses available that are not offered in the student’s school. As the courses are offered asynchronously, students and teachers are not required to be on-line at the same time. All courses are taught by qualified Upper Canada District School Board teachers. A student can complete one online course per semester. A student must be taking three full-credit equivalency classes. Students should consult with the Guidance Counselor for information on available courses.


The Essential Pathway Program consists of a package of courses including Ministry approved locally developed courses. Admission to this program will be done in a consultative manner in discussion with the student, parents/guardians, elementary school teachers, and high school guidance/special education personnel.


The Upper Canada District School Board strives to provide a range of programs and services to students with exceptional needs. The Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) advises the Board on special education matters. Information about the activities and meetings can be provided by the Superintendent. A brief description of the philosophy of programs and services and an overview of the Board’s general model of Special Education can be found on the Board’s website ( In addition, the website provides links to the following documents:

  • I.P.R.C. Parent Guide
  • I.E.P. Parent Guide
  • Special Education Plan
  • SEAC Newsletters

Rideau District High School offers a variety of services to students who have been identified as exceptional. Placement in these programs is recommended by an Identification, Placement and Review Committee (IPRC). The Special Education team, in consultation with the parents/guardians will devise an Individual Education Plan (IEP) geared to meet the student’s special needs. These needs will be accommodated in learning experiences provided in either regular classes or the Resource Centre (210).

Resource Centre (210)

210 is a resource support room for RDHS students staffed by a teacher and sometimes also an educational assistant. The purpose of the room is to provide students with the following:

  • Academic support
    • a quiet setting for students to work on tests and assignments and work completion
    • develop specific learning strategies
      • study skills, organizational skills, note taking skills
    • develop skills in the use of Inclusive Technologies
  • Emotional support
    • A key contact or liaison for students to provide support (prompting, refocusing, anger management) to students who have been identified as requiring support.
      • student progress is monitored through contact with students, classroom teachers and parents.


The Upper Canada District School Board, through its secondary school program, is committed to equipping all students with the knowledge, skills and attitudes they need for successful outcomes - smooth transitions to the post-secondary destinations of their choice. Our schools offer educational programs that promote high standards, while providing students with learning opportunities and supports needed for success.

Successful completion of secondary education in Ontario is important and a valuable step toward post-secondary opportunities. Students may create or choose a program pathway that prepares them for direct entry into:

  • Apprenticeship Programs
  • College
  • Community Living
  • University
  • The Workplace

There is value, honor and dignity in all post-secondary destinations and all sectors of employment. A student’s Program Pathway is his or her educational program and reflects the goals that help motivate him or her to complete secondary school. Building a successful school pathway requires planning and is a cooperative effort that must involve students, parents, teachers and guidance counselors. The most recent level of achievement, preferred learning style, strengths, interests and abilities, and immediate educational needs are all factors that must be considered in planning a successful pathway for the student.

Early success in high school is essential. Statistics in Ontario show very clearly that failure in courses in grades 9 and 10 is a significant factor in students dropping out of school. Appropriate course selection and proactive plans for success are important.

Schools in Upper Canada have a strong focus on Student Success. In each of our high schools, Classroom Teachers, Student Success Teachers, Guidance Counselors, Learning Resource Teachers and Administrators form strong teams that are dedicated to successful outcomes for all students. For our students making the transition from grade 8 to grade 9, there has never been greater attention paid to their strengths and needs, while focusing on opportunities for success.  Please review our course calendar and course descriptions when planning your pathway. 

SST Lift is a specialized program within RDHS that helps support students who thrive in an alternative setting.  It is designed to find pathways to graduation for students who struggle in mainstream classes.    It can only be accessed by students through a referral process to the Student Success Team.  

Contact Wendy McCourt ([email protected]) with any guidance related questions.  
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