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Social Media

Our school is now on Facebook and Twitter.

Like us on Facebook

Follow us on Twitter 

We have also set up a channel on YouTube .

We are committed to enhancing our communication with students, parents and the community. We will continue to share news, events, information and reports through these different tools. We will focus on celebrating the students of RDHS.

You can count on the Facebook page to house morning announcements, notices, alerts, and to share relevant connections to community resources and news. The Twitter feed will connect and alert you to updates and will post short notices and provide up-to-the-minute scores when possible. The YouTube channel will house student work and events. The school website will house information about the school.

Please let us know how these tools are working for you. Your feedback is important.

Please review the "Social Media Disclaimer" below that guides use of our social media at RDHS.

Social Media Disclaimer

With the Character Always: Our Living Credo as a foundation, the Board and Provincial Code of Conduct as the basis, aligned with the UCDSB Social Media Policy(301), it is the policy of Rideau DHS, to encourage clear and effective communication.

Guests to the Rideau DHS social media sites(Facebook, Twitter, school website) are asked to respect the following:

To keep discussions focused on school news and events, the sites are moderated and comments are reviewed. We ask that you please respect others when commenting on our Pages/Sites. Postings deemed inappropriate will be removed, including (but not limited to):

Personal attacks

Off-topic postings

Solicitation of products or services

Obscene or disrespectful language

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